Recently, a dear friend recounted a story from her work. She observed, much to her discomfort, a lady correcting a man in her office. The lady was not being rude or unprofessional; she was simply teaching an employee how to do his job with excellence.
My indescribably compassionate friend, felt uncomfortable as she watched the scene unfold before her. So, she stepped into the conversation in an attempt to alleviate the tension and discomfort.
The lady very politely looked at my friend, smiled and said something to the effect of, “Sit down. I wasn’t talking to you. I need to do this because he needs to learn.”
All of a sudden, I became very aware of how – in our limited understanding – we step in to “help” someone when God is trying to teach them a lesson.
It is human nature to step in when someone is uncomfortable, embarrassed or hurting. But sometimes that is not our role.
At times, God’s role for us is to simply love them through whatever situation they are in; lead them to Him to find the answer; and listen as they work through the situation.
Yes. Sometimes God calls us to step in and help, but before we jump in to save the day, let us make sure that God is not going to smile at us and say, “Sit down, Child. I am not talking to you. This is something she needs to learn.”
Susie Mc Sellers
PROFOUND! Excellent message….great reminder. Often we try to “help” God out…ha