In the movie, “Her Majesty Mrs. Brown” an outdoor servant to the Queen’s late husband was summoned in the hopes that he would be able to lift her spirits.
Instead of waiting around for the Queen to decide she wanted to take the horse out for a ride, Mr. Brown got up, saddled her horse, and stood at attention in the courtyard.
This atypical behavior caught the attention of the Queen as well as the not-so-impressed head of the household.
During a scolding, the question arose, “What is the word were you doing?”
His response: “I was awaiting my orders.”
We, too, are servants in a Royal household, and I don’t think we would be remiss to learn a thing or two from Mr. Brown.
In our day, we can busy ourselves with pretty much anything – we can piddle with our cell phones, occupy ourselves with hobbies and various other distractions – while awaiting a call from the King.
Or we can take the initiative to rise every morning, dress for the occasion, and stand at attention greatly anticipating how God will use us.
Our willingness to serve and our intentional availability will likely attract some Royal attention, and we will soon find ourselves busy – not with unimportant diversions – but in assisting with the work of the King.