Deep in our spirit lays the knowledge that we were made for more than this world. We crave happy endings and harmonious relationships. We crave work that isn’t labor and a heart that doesn’t break. We long to linger in beauty, to escape the precipice of death, and we search for community when into our hearts loneliness creeps.
We were, indeed, made for something immensely better. We were made for Eden. Our sadness is the cry of our hearts and the longing of our spirit for that perfect land where there is no more death, no more crying and no more pain. When He returns again, for those that know Him and remain faithful, it will be so.
This Christmas, as we celebrate the newborn King, let us rejoice in knowing that He who was faithful to come once, will come again. Let the plea of John be ours as well:
Wishing you & yours a blessed and merry Christmas!