I’m telling you, sometimes the people in the Bible seem like characters in a book rather than real people who lived and breathed and felt. However, sometimes God allows me to glimpse their humanity which is what happened when I was reading 2 Timothy 4:9-18.
In his last days, Paul felt alone and abandoned. His friends had left him.
Some moved on to work their own ministries,
others betrayed him,
some fought against his beliefs.
He found solace in writing letters to the few friends that were his: Luke, Mark and Timothy.
Humbly, he asked for the familiar things of this world:
…an old coat
…some old books
…and his papers.
I’m comforted by this man of God’s frailty, his honesty, and his desire for the minimal comforts of this life.
And I’m grateful for him.
I’m grateful that – despite persecution and pain, abandonment and loneliness – he persevered to passionately preach the Good News to the Gentiles. It is because of his passion and pursuit that I can say:
…he is my brother
…and His God is mine.
And it is because of this that I also share in his duty to preach the Good News regardless of consequence. Someone’s eternity might rest on my willingness to heed that very call.
It is my responsibility.
It is Paul’s legacy.
And my prayer is that it will be mine.
Will it be yours as well?