I have learned that my definition of things are sometimes very different than God’s definition. For example, things that I consider as painful are things God calls “good.” Take discipline for example. No one that I know likes disciple.
It hurts.
It is uncomfortable.
It brings out dross in our hearts.
Yet the Bible teaches us that it is for our good that He disciplines us.
Last week, my Facebook feed was abuzz with the Osteen’s. Many Christians are coming down hard on them because of the prosperity gospel they preach. I even posted a link to a message about how the prosperity gospel isn’t Biblical. However, the trouble, it seems, is not in whether or not God promises us prosperity. The problem is in how we define it.
Could it be God’s version of prosperity it is not in bigger toys, better houses, expensive cars, and higher salaries? Could prosperity really be defined in terms of the spiritual and eternal achievable only through more Jesus, more Holy Spirit, and more God the Father?