Over the last month, we’ve heard about the creation story, the fall of mankind, and its continual spiral into corruption. God executed judgment on those who were immoral through the great flood and then scattered everyone in countless direction when they were exhaling themselves at the tower of Babel.
The thread of covenant continues throughout the book of Genesis starting with God’s covenant to never again destroy the earth with a flood. He also made a covenant with Abraham to give him land and countless descendants that would bless all the inhabitants of the earth.
Last week, we said goodbye to Abraham & Sarah, and studied God’s continued faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham through the life of Isaac. We heard how Isaac prayed for his wife to bear a son, and saw God give him a double portion through the birth of twins, Jacob and Esau. Their relationship was complicated. Let’s keep reading their story in Genesis chapter 26.
Reflection Questions
- What stood out to you today? Did anything surprise you?
- 2. Does anything sound familiar to you? Does anything remind you of a situation in your life?
- Think of how God interacted with each of these people in their stories. Now think about God’s bigger story. How does this fit in and what purpose does it serve?