Over the last month, we’ve heard about the creation story, the fall of mankind, and its continual bend towards corruption. Despite mankind’s bend toward destruction, we saw Him promise a seed – a man – that would one day crush evil’s head.
The thread of promises continues throughout the book of Genesis. He also made a covenant with Abraham to give him land and countless descendants that would bless all the inhabitants of the earth.
God’s covenant with Abraham continued through to his son, Isaac and his wife, Rebecca, and last week we saw that covenant extend to Isaac’s son Jacob. Last week, Jacob married two sisters: Leah and Rachel who began having a war to see who could bear the most children. Twelve sons were born from that battle. Let’s read some more of their story in Genesis chapter 31.
Reflection Questions
- Recap the story in your own words.
- How did humans fail?
- What did you see God doing in this chapter? What was his response to human frailty?