Yesterday, we left Simeon in prison as Jacob wrestled with the decision of letting his family starve or sending Benjamin back to Egypt with his brothers.
Jacob relies on his old ways of sending gifts to get himself out of trouble, and he doubles the money for grain to replace what was returned. When the brothers arrived in Egypt, they were welcomed into Joseph’s palace for a feast.
His brothers don’t really understand what is happening and were paranoid it was a trap. They come clean about the money and are set at ease by the palace manager. Then, Simeon is released and they all enjoy a feast.
Let’s see what happens next in Genesis chapter 44.
Reflection Questions
- Recap the story in your own words.
- Why do you think Joseph did what he did?
- Joseph’s plan required patience and wisdom. His first test was to get all his brother’s present and to see if they had changed their ways. Joseph knew they would eventually get hungry and need his help again, so he had to wait it out. What did his brothers’ behavior show Joseph?
- Where does this chapter point you to Jesus?
- How do you need to respond?