In our last episode, two months after Israel walked out of the land of their slavery, we saw God fulfill His promise to Moses from way back in Exodus chapter 3.
They reach Mt. Sinai – The Mountain of God. Moses climbed that mountain, and God told him if they obeyed Him and kept their covenant, they would become God’s own special possession. They would be a kingdom of priests; a holy nation.
Moses told the elders, and they agreed to do everything the LORD had commanded.
God said he would meet with Moses in a thick cloud because he wanted the people to hear him talk, so they would trust him.
To prepare for God’s arrival, the people had to purify themselves for 2 days. On the 3rd day, God would come down. Moses was to mark off a boundary on the mountain that the rest of the people could not cross or touch until they heard the sound of a rams horn.
And so, God comes down in a storm with thunder roaring and lightning flashing. But when the people heard the sound of the rams horn and could approach him, they were terrified. Listen to what happens next in Exodus chapter 20.
Reflection Questions
- What do you see God doing in this passage?
- How did people fail?
- What was God’s response to that failure?