In our previous episode, but Moses again interceded when God said he will not go with Israel to the Promised Land. Moses begged him to go with them personally because God’s presence is what set them apart from everyone else on earth. God agreed – but it sounded more like he was going because of who Moses was – not because of who the people were. I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to say that even one person’s prayer can save a nation. That’s something for us to think about in the world we live in today.
Something extraordinary happened after God agrees to go. Moses wanted MORE of God. He wanted to SEE His glory. God agreed to let him see on the back of Him because no one could see God’s face and live. And God didn’t trust him not to peek. He covered him with His hand until He passed by.
Even if Moses could see ALL of God’s glory, God was sweet and caring enough to let him catch of glimpse of it. Maybe God allows us to see as much of him as we can handle on this earth. Let’s listen in to Exodus chapter 34.
Reflection Questions:
1. What stood out to you today? Did anything surprise you?
2. What do you see God doing in this chapter?
3. What does that teach you about who God is?