I’m not sure if you are digging Thursdays at the Throne, but I sure am. This morning, I read a Psalm that I thought was perfect for me to pray over you. I took the liberty of modifying Psalm 20 as a prayer for you, my friends.
May the Lord answer you when you are in trouble. May the God of Jacob keep you safe. May he send you help and give you aid from heaven. May he remember all of your sacrifices and accept your offerings.
May he give you what your heart longs for and make all of your plans succeed. Then, I will shout with joy when you win the battle. I will lift up the name of our God.
May the Lord give you everything you ask for.
Now I know that the Lord saves his people. He answers us from his holy heaven. The power of God’s right hand saves his people.
Some trust in the things of this world. Some trust in what they have made. But we trust in the Lord our God. Those of this world will be brought to their knees and will fall down. But we, those who fear the Lord, get up and stand firm.
Lord, save us! Answer us when we call out to you!