Once upon a time, there was a shy, sweet, little girl with a tender heart as big as the ocean. One day, she met a boy who was mean to her. He told her everyday that she was ugly.
At first, the words were harmless – the jokes of an immature pre-adolescent boy – and she brushed them away. But slowly, the insidious words of this young man, began to seep into her soul, and soon she believed them to be true.
Many years ago, I was that little girl.
Though, today, I know that those words were not true, I still remember the searing stab I felt in my heart each time they were uttered. While the scar has faded, I know it’s still there, and so does the Enemy.
I have a t-shirt that reads, “Pretty Girls Need Love To.” The t-shirt design came out of a bible study we were doing on Joseph. One night, we were pondering the seemingly ridiculous question of how beauty can be a burden. Somehow the phrase was uttered and, ironically, an ugly girl laugh followed.
One night, I was wearing the t-shirt, and my friend, Lil, was sharing a comment she received when she wore it. Immediately the Enemy picked at the scar on my heart, and I said: “People never comment on the t-shirt when I where it. Maybe they think I’m ugly, and I don’t need to wear it anymore.”
Really? Seriously? Shut up, Devil!
An hour or so later, as I was driving home, I stopped off at the gas station. I was paying the cashier when he said, “Your t-shirt is hilarious. I love it!”
I laughed as I realized the timing of that compliment and I heard another voice gently whisper: “Every word you say, Child, I hear. Nothing escapes my attention.”
My heart rejoiced in that moment as I let that truth sink in to my soul.
Not one word spoken escapes the attention of our Father.
Not one prayer uttered goes without attention from Him.
He hears.
He speaks.
And in His own timing, He answers.
I still want to punch that guy in the throat. (Ooh … not Christ-like. My bad.)
This is such an important story for so many reasons … the power of words; the healing power of Christ; the power the enemy thinks he has over us …
Thanks for sharing stories from the dark side, sister. You inspire!