Girl Scout cookies. Are they the work of the devil or manna from heaven? Someone help me out, because I’m not clear on this issue.
Then again, those 10 boxes sitting on your desk show me that maybe you’re not clear on the issue either. Perhaps it is just one of those things we will never know this side of Eden.
I mean, it’s for the kids, right?
What? Those 5 boxes?
I just didn’t want that little girl to be sad when she only sold 543 boxes instead of 548.
I hear ya!
I do!
There are few things more delightful (or tempting) than when you find out from a co-worker, family member or friend that the time is near. I’ve just decided that Girl Scout cookies, like death and Christ’s return, are inevitable. So, don’t judge me when I tell you that I handed over a check for a box (yes, one box) of Tag-a-longs.
“OK. I have you down as paid,” she said in a sing-song voice.
And then I heard in my heart these precious words,
“I have you down as paid, too.”
Simple moment.
Profound message.
Astounding truth.
God has the debt of my sins crossed off as paid.
Praise the Lord!
For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold and silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. – 1 Peter 1:18-19
What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Come on…you know you have one.
Susan Sellers
I love profound simple truths..thanks for sharing. OH and Tag-a-longs…my fav too!