I remember reading Heaven is For Real and bawling my eyeballs out after reading Colton Burpo’s words to a dying man in a nursing home:
“It’s going to be okay. The first person you’re going to see is Jesus.”
I do not know what my last day looks like.
Maybe it comes without warning and takes me before I realize it. Or maybe it comes expectedly…
in a nursing home
or a hospital bed
or in a cell in a far away land.
I can see each of these scenarios vividly in my mind and my prayer is this: that whatever my condition or circumstance…
I have a smile on my face,
tears in my eyes,
love in my heart,
anticipation in my voice,
and these words on my lips:
“Can you believe it? I’m finally going to see His face!”
It’s true.
I do not know what my last day looks like, but what a day it will be!
The other day I was listening to the radio, and it was describing a man’s death. He lay dying in the hospital. At once his eyes opened; he looked up and said, “Amazing.” He turned to his wife and said, “Good-bye, Judy!” and then he died. It was the most beautiful description of dying.
I’ve had some hesitations about death here lately (which I wrote about), but in dying we will fully know as I am already fully known. How incredibly sweet it will be.