For one whole hour on Good Friday I caught a tiny glimpse into Heaven.
A bag piper played Amazing Grace,
Believers, regardless of denomination, walked side-by-side,
With a cross leading the way.
Theological differences were set aside. Scripture & song united us as we paid tribute to our Savior.
There were people from all walks of life, and pastors clothed in a myriad of attire.
Few words were exchanged among us yet we were one in Spirit, and deep down in my soul I felt the LORD smiling.
It was a little glimpse of Heaven.
The best kind of parade.
And a testimony of the power of Jesus’ Bride.
Beautiful in its facets.
Flawless through His blood.
Glorious in His eyes.
Pedestrians stopped in reverence as the cross passed before them.
Motorist slowed to gaze at this pilgrimage.
Onlookers peered out of houses as we passed.
It was one of the most power testimonies of His love I have ever seen on this Earth.
We speak louder in reverent unity than we ever will individually.
Politics and theological debates might separate us momentarily,but it is the glorious and wretched way of the cross that unites us.
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name!