Let us return to You, Lord.
Steal our hearts by whatever means necessary.
Let the fire of Your Holy Spirit refine us burning away evil desires
that hide within
until we come forth as gold.
Do not leave us unchanged.
Instill in us Your presence.
Give us the desire to see Your will fulfilled
on this earth
and in Heaven.
Keep our hands and our hearts from stifling Your Spirit.
Still us, Lord, under Your majesty and magnificence.
Use our hands for Your purposes;
our lives for Your work.
Pour out Your Holy Spirit in ways that we cannot comprehend.
Let not our fear squelch Him.
Show us Your might,
Your love,
Your compassion,
Your faithfulness
in ways not seen before in this generation.
Show us Your Glory, Lord.
Change our misconceptions about You.
Fix our eyes on You.
Teach us to fear You.
Pour out the oil of Your Spirit
onto your sons and daughters,
onto the old and the young,
onto the weak and the strong.
And when we are filled, Lord,
let Your Spirit pour in buckets onto others
in spite of ourselves.
Change us, Lord, into the image of your son.
Remove the distractions.
Shatter our hearts of stone.
Break us.
Mold us.
Restore us.
Use us.
Awaken us.
Give us hearts of flesh.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Come, Glorious Father!
Come, Lord Jesus!
Monica Drake