From where I sit, the day is filled with sunshine, a light Spring breeze, and moderate temperatures. It is a glorious day.
I think this is what our days will be like in Heaven.
Everything will have a golden glow reflecting the rays of Light. Plants and creatures will grow from soaking up the Living Light, and everything will blossom into beauty.
I wonder…is there pollen in Heaven?
I know. It’s a deep thought.
But I think Revelation addresses it:
For it is written: “…there will be no more crying or sickness or pain.” (I’m quoting that by memory so I’m probably getting it wrong). Since pollen produces tears, sneezing, and sometimes wheezing, and since there are no tears or sickness in the New Heaven and the New Earth if there is pollen, it will only make things grow.
This excites my Benadryl-ed self.
However, while we’re on this side of the New Jerusalem, I keep the tissue handy and be grateful for the pollen that turns my car yellow and hangs in the air like fairy dust, because without it trees and flowers and grass would not populate the Earth.
God is magnificent in His thinking.
Marvelous in all His ways.
The Earth declares His glory.