This is a place where we set everything down, read some scripture, and listen to what God might be trying to say to us through His word. Hopefully, it is a time marked on your calendars daily. If not, you have come to a great place to make that happen.
These episodes are around 15 minutes and are guided reflections. As a reminder, I read from the New Living Translation because it sounds more like every day English and it helps me to hear scripture in a new way. I hope it does those things for you too.
These sessions include periods of time for you to process what you heard. But if you need more time on any given section, just hit pause. Remember, not rushing is what makes this time with Him more beautiful.
We ended last week with the fall of Noah, his curse on his son, Ham, and his blessing on his son, Shem. Ham birthed Canaan and his people would become the Canaanites – which is important throughout the rest of the Bible. This week is an exciting week. So, let’s continue with Genesis chapter 11.
Reflection Questions:
- How did humans fail in this chapter?
- Was God’s response to that failure? Did you see Him moving? What does that tell you about His character?
- Is there a tower that you’re building to glorify yourself? Or is there something in your life that you worship more than God? Isaiah 42:8 tells us that God will not share His glory or His praise with another. How might you need to respond to Him today?