I love a good recap. It helps us remember where we’ve been and where we are in God’s story. Over the last three weeks, we’ve heard about the creation story, the fall of mankind, the great flood, and the tower of Babel
We’ve seen God make two covenants with his people. The first was to not destroy the earth with water ever again. The second, was to a man named Abram. God promised him land and descendants as numerous as the dust on the ground and the stars in the sky. Let’s continue Abram’s story in Genesis 16.
Reflection Questions
1. Have you ever been mistreated by someone? Have you ever felt invisible, or been tempted to isolate yourself from others? What comes to mind when you heard Hagar’s story? Did you remember a time when you were mistreated, felt invisible, or been tempted to run away? How did you respond?
2. What did you see God doing in this passage? What does that teach you about who God is?
3. How might you need to respond today?
Thanks for listening this 16th episode of Coffee with Christ. Don’t forget to leave a comment about the podcast in iTunes or wherever you listen. Let’s invite someone to be changed by God’s word because it changes us verse by verse and chapter by chapter.