Yesterday, we got a peek into the insecurities Abram and Sarai were experiencing as they waited for God’s promise of an heir to be fulfilled. Despite having heard directly from God on the subject, they still took matters into their own hands. They took advantage of a servant, Hagar, who became an unwilling surrogate for the child Sarai had not been able to bear. When Hagar ran away because of Sarai’s cruelty, God met her in the wilderness and spoke tenderly to her there. Let’s see what happens next in Genesis chapter 17.
Reflection Questions
1. What did you see God do in this chapter?
2. Why do you think God wanted Abraham to know that he was El Shaddai – God Almighty?
3. Is there a circumstance in your life where you need to be reminded that God is Almighty? Use the next few minutes to ask God to reveal Himself to you as El Shaddai.
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Have a great day and be sure to tune in tomorrow for our next episode.