Since we began our study in Genesis, we’ve heard about the creation story, the fall of mankind, and its continual bend towards corruption. Despite mankind’s bend toward destruction, we saw God promise a seed – a man – that would one day crush evil’s head.
The thread of promises continues throughout the book of Genesis, and God makes a covenant – a contract – with Abraham to give him land and countless descendants that would bless all the inhabitants of the earth.
God’s covenant with Abraham continued through to his son, Isaac and his wife, Rebecca, and we saw that covenant extend to Isaac’s son Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons from Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah. Last week, we saw Jacob break away from his Father-In-Law Laban; wrestle with God for His blessing; and make amends with his brother Esau. Last time we checked on him, he was living in Shechem. Let’s continue with Genesis chapter 36.
Reflection Questions
1. Where do you see God’s faithfulness in this chapter?
2. Why do you think it’s important to list the Edomites?
3. Say a prayer asking God to show himself to you in a new way this week.