Seven words are following me.
Back in January, they popped up as David’s prayer in Psalms and became mine as well.
They snuck up on me again during Holy Week only this time they were the last words of Christ.
I entrust my spirit into your hands.” (Psalm 31:5; Luke 23:46)
Heavy words.
Spoken first by the one with a heart like His.
Spoken again by the One who had His heart.
When the disciples heard Jesus utter those words, they were probably on the verge of panic. Their hopes and dreams were wrapped up in Jesus. How could they process that promise now hanging on a cross about to die the shameful death of a criminal?
They believed in Him.
They hoped in Him.
They followed Him.
He was their life.
As they stared at what appeared to be the death of their promise what went through their minds?
He told them before what would happen. They didn’t understand.
Maybe you have a promise hanging on a tree. It is a promise seemingly unfulfilled. And like the disciples, you don’t understand.
You believe in Him.
You hope in Him.
You follow Him.
He is your life.
But how will you process it?
Will you be as brave as David in the midst of his distress?
Will you be as faithful as Jesus in His dying?
Are you able to say despite what comes: “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands?”